Auditorium Facility
The Campus has a technology-enabled spacious Auditorium that creates a virtual world.
The Auditorium is used optimally for different activities such as presentations, guest lectures, co-curricular activities & seminars etc., all through the year to build confidence in students.
Seating facilities are designed for the comfort of the students. We nurture an open attitude to integrate the wisdom of the East and West.
Our endeavour is to build a better world. Indus Valley believes that the students apart from their in-depth subject knowledge need to upkeep themselves a variety of skills coupled with team spirit and leadership qualities.
Therefore, it promotes varied kinds of activities apart from classroom lectures and lab practice.
The College provides a spacious seminar hall with a captivating ambience, different from the usual classroom atmosphere for presentations, guest lectures and seminars.
It also provides opportunities for the students to interact with the subject in depth.